Project name: CitizenshipTEST Prep website
This is a full-stack MCQ practice test website designed for the Australian citizenship test, where users can practice a large number of questions and navigate through 40 sets of tests that closely mimic the real exam format. Users can move seamlessly from one test to another, and upon completion, their scores will be displayed, indicating whether they passed or failed the exam.
This website is built using the latest and modern technologies, including React and Next.js. For styling, Tailwind CSS and CSS3 are utilized. MongoDB is used to store the questions, and Firebase is employed to track views and likes. For blog content, the next-mdx-remote library is used. Icons are sourced from the react-icons library.
Overall, this is an excellent website for preparing for the Australian citizenship test. It incorporates best practices such as code splitting, responsive design, and SEO optimization.
Technology Used:
- Use case Citizenship test practice website
- Framework Next.js 15, React 19
- Typescript Yes
- Markup Html5, next-mdx-remote
- Style Tailwind css, Css3
- Animation Framer motion
- Font family Montserrat, Sans Serif
- Icon Library React-icons
- Third Party Library Reading-time,dotenv, date-fns
- Back-end MongoDB, Firebase
- Hosting Hostinger VPS Hosting
Live Preview
Source code